Centralising and tracking card expenses at a granular level
Through their 20+ Memo Bank Visa Corporate cards, Trusk has now streamlined the way it generates and manages cards for all their employees. Memo Bank platform delivers the following benefits for Trusk:
- Better cost control.
- Real-time visibility of all incoming and outgoing transactions.
- Robust and simplified process to approve and make payments.
- Access to data to produce financial reportings.
“Being able to manage our transactions in such a granular way is not something we’ve experienced with other banking actors,” Sébastien Tronel commented.
Maximising yield on surplus cash
Trusk can maximise yield on its longer-term excess cash through Memo Bank time deposits. Sébastien Tronel also appreciates the ability to create term deposit accounts rapidly, online and with just a few clicks.
Flexibility in expenses made by cards
“The deferred payment option available with Memo Bank corporate cards is a strong asset, removing the need to use various solutions to make cash advances to fulfill our payment obligations,” Sébastien Tronel commented, as he can now postpone the payment of a purchase for 30 days (Buy Now Pay Later).
Furthermore, access to overdrafts and SEPA instant credit transfers are essential assets for optimising and gaining visibility on Trust’s finances.
A great user experience, turning Memo Bank into Trusk’s primary banking partner
“Today, most of our transactions are processed by Memo Bank platform, whose offering is clearly the smoothest in the market, enabling us to achieve time savings and improve our performance.” Sébastien Tronel says. Through our interaction with Memo Bank, the bank has demonstrated responsiveness, great expertise in providing clear answers and outstanding customer service. According to Sébastien Tronel, these elements further set Memo Bank apart from traditional banks.
Finally, as Trusk is committed to reduce its carbon footprint by using electric vehicles, Sébastien Tronel appreciates collaborating with a bank that is also fully committed, through various actions, to lead the way to a healthier planet.
Optimise your surplus cash and expenses via
term accounts and corporate cards.