Case studies

Wandercraft strengthens its development thanks to Memo Bank

Discover how Memo Bank supports Wandercraft, an industrial company based in Paris that manufactures revolutionary exoskeletons for people with disabilities.

Icone double flèches gauche

After our fundraising, we met with several banking partners, and Memo Bank was the first to make a commitment.

Matthieu Masselin

Cofounder and CEO


company logo Wandercraft

Wandercraft is a French company that develops, manufactures, and markets autonomous walking exoskeletons for people with mobility impairments.

Icone Etoile 2012
Icone Employés 50-99 employees
Marqueurs Paris (75)
Matthieu Masselin

Matthieu Masselin

Cofounder and CEO

Matthieu Masselin

Éric Bazin

CFO of Wandercraft

Hear from Matthieu Masselin, co-founder and CEO of Wandercraft, and Éric Bazin, CFO of Wandercraft.

Wandercraft creates revolutionary exoskeletons for people with mobility impairments

Wandercraft is a French robotics company founded in Paris in 2012. Its three co-founders, Matthieu Masselin, Nicolas Simon, and Alexandre Boulanger, established Wandercraft around a dream: to enable paralyzed individuals to live a normal life through exoskeletons.

All three graduates of Polytechnique, the co-founders of Wandercraft started from scratch and have become skilled in all relevant fields. The first Wandercraft exoskeleton was released in 2018, six years after the company’s inception. Used in rehabilitation centers, it has two main functions: helping patients with locomotion pathologies (multiple sclerosis, stroke, etc.) relearn to walk, and enabling paraplegic individuals to alleviate a series of issues associated with sedentary wheelchair life: chronic pain, muscle spasticity, cardiovascular problems, etc. Thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms and its adaptation to the patient’s morphology and pathology, the Wandercraft exoskeleton is today the world’s only “self-stabilizing” exoskeleton, meaning it can maintain balance without relying on the patient or requiring them to use crutches.

Continuously evolving, Wandercraft is progressing toward its goal of developing a personal exoskeleton. The company has raised 70 million euros since its inception and has already assisted hundreds of patients in France and the United States, where it has also established a subsidiary. It also plans to open a factory in France.

Vidéo de démonstration de l'exosquelette Wandercraft, entreprise technologique accompagnée par Memo Bank.

Wandercraft has won several competitions that test an exoskeleton's ability to enable patients to perform everyday actions independently.

Wandercraft was seeking bank financing to support its latest fundraising round

The design and construction of Wandercraft’s exoskeletons require significant investment, partly because the company needs a diverse and highly specialized skill set — robotics, medicine, software development, artificial intelligence, and more. Therefore, Wandercraft regularly raises funds. In early 2022, the SME raised 40 million euros in a Series C round from its long-standing investors, French mutualist groups, and American investors.

The leaders of Wandercraft then decided to use this fundraising opportunity to further strengthen their cash position through non-dilutive bank financing. Their goal was to significantly enhance Wandercraft’s investment capacity and to anticipate a potential crisis in the technology sector and related financing, which the executives foresaw on the horizon.

Memo Bank was the first bank to position itself in Wandercraft's debt round

Matthieu Masselin thus contacted Memo Bank, which offers financing solutions targeted at innovative SMEs that have raised funds. According to Matthieu Masselin, Memo Bank was very responsive, a rarity in the banking finance world, especially when the financing involves an innovative company. Although it wasn’t the first bank that Wandercraft approached, Memo Bank was the first to commit to the financing. Only 45 days elapsed between Wandercraft’s initial contact with Memo Bank and the availability of the funds in Wandercraft’s account.

Matthieu Masselin also appreciated that the entire credit granting process at Memo Bank was digitalized: interactions with bankers, submission of supporting documents, and signing… The CEO of Wandercraft even signed his credit agreement on his smartphone.

Portrait Matthieu Masselin Wandercraft

Matthieu Masselin, the co-founder and CEO of Wandercraft.

More efficient cash flow management thanks to Memo Bank

Icone double flèches gauche

Memo Bank’s technology is far more advanced than that of most traditional banks.

Éric Bazin

CFO of Wandercraft

Shooting Eric Bazin, partenariat Wandercraft&Memo Bank

After the funds were disbursed, the Wandercraft teams began using their Memo Bank workspace to manage their cash flows: collecting payments from clients, paying suppliers, and making card purchases. Éric Bazin, the CFO of Wandercraft, was surprised by the platform’s ease of use and the number of tasks he could perform independently and instantly: adding a beneficiary, granting or revoking permissions to a team member, creating virtual or physical payment cards on the fly, adding SEPA direct debit mandates, setting up outgoing direct debits… Éric Bazin mostly works alone on banking matters, and using Memo Bank saves him a lot of time.

Beyond the technological aspect, Éric Bazin also appreciates the “human” dimension of the relationship with Memo Bank. Arthur Bourdillon is the dedicated business manager for Wandercraft, an experienced banker whom Éric Bazin can contact or meet whenever he wishes. The rapport between the teams at Memo Bank and Wandercraft is enhanced by the similarities between the two companies: both are young, innovative SMEs facing similar issues and speaking the same language. Wandercraft is an innovative SME with the ambition to become a major international industrial company. The exoskeleton manufacturer will have significant future needs in terms of investment, foreign currency cash flow management, interactions with its future subsidiaries, and hopes that Memo Bank will support them in the long term.
Eric Bazin avec Arthur Bourdillon - Partenariat Memo Bank Pretto

Éric Bazin, the CFO of Wandercraft, and Arthur Bourdillon, the Memo Bank business manager who supports Wandercraft.

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