Case studies

Madeformed uses 2FA to validate its banking operations and no longer needs a calculator

At his traditional bank, the CEO of Madeformed validates banking transactions by typing a series of codes on an electronic device, known as the “calculator”. This tedious and error-prone procedure is now a thing of the past At Memo Bank, authentication takes just a second via his smartphone.

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“Memo Bank modernizes and revitalizes the banking sector, and it's truly refreshing.

Thomas Plain

Cofounder and CEO


company logo MadeForMed

MadeForMed is a platform designed for family doctors to centralize all interactions with their patients.

Icone Etoile 2014
Icone Employés 20-49 employees
Marqueurs Paris (75)
Thomas Plain

Thomas Plain

Cofounder and CEO

Cofounded in 2014 by Thomas Plain and Julien Pourcel (who is a physician), MadeForMed is now used by more than 1300 family doctors.

MadeForMed Modernizes the Relationship Between Family Doctors and Their Patients

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MadeForMed is now used by more than 1 300 family doctors.

MadeForMed is driving the continuity of family medicine into the digital age by modernizing how family doctors communicate.

It helps doctors stay connected to their patients, be accessible, while maintaining their life balance. To cope with the multiple daily demands, MadeForMed offers doctors a medical communication interface, allowing them to define and control how they interact with their patients outside of consultations—based on the patient’s profile, digital sensitivity, and health status.

Cofounded in 2014 by Thomas Plain and Julien Pourcel (who is a physician), MadeForMed is now used by more than 1300 family doctors.

The CEO of MadeForMed was Highly Dissatisfied with Traditional Banks' Authentication Procedures

Thomas Plain, co-founder and CEO of MadeForMed, has always been frustrated with the cumbersome and complex authentication procedures at his traditional bank, which cost him valuable time every day.

Authentication, a security measure for verifying identity during sensitive transactions like wire transfers, is often handled in traditional banks by a small electronic device known as a “calculator”. Whenever Thomas needed to execute a transfer through his traditional bank, he had to authenticate using the device provided by his bank: inserting his card, entering multiple codes on both the calculator and his computer…

Thomas sends wire transfers daily and found this authentication process really inconvenient. It was tedious, error-prone, and required him to carry the device and his bank card at all times. Just forgetting one of them—say, while traveling—meant he couldn’t complete a transfer. Another issue Thomas encountered was the calculator’s reliance on batteries. When the batteries died, he had to interrupt whatever he was doing to buy new ones.

This burdensome authentication procedure was one of the main reasons Thomas began looking for a more modern banking partner in early 2021.

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Thomas Plain, cofounder and CEO of MadeForMed.

Memo Bank Simplifies Authentication Procedures Through Smartphone Authentication

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Thanks to Memo Bank’s tools, I save time, and I also gain comfort, which is a really important aspect.

Thomas Plain

Cofounder and CEO

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Thomas was drawn to Memo Bank’s vision. He felt that Memo Bank and MadeForMed shared a common goal: to modernize a traditional field through digital innovation—family medicine for MadeForMed, banking for Memo Bank.

Memo Bank immediately simplified Thomas’s daily routine by transforming how authentication is handled. At Memo Bank, all sensitive operations can be approved using just a mobile device (iOS or Android). When Thomas needs to send a wire transfer from his Memo Bank account, he prepares the transfer on Memo Bank’s website and then receives a notification on his phone. All he has to do is open the Memo Bank app and confirm the transfer by unlocking his phone.

This authentication method allows Thomas to access his bank account securely from anywhere, significantly changing his life. Bank access is no longer tied to a device he might have left behind but to his smartphone—which he always carries. The CEO is greatly relieved to have a bank account that makes transfers this straightforward.

Thomas also appreciates that Memo Bank provides dedicated relationship managers who don’t rotate as they often do in traditional banks. This means he doesn’t have to re-explain his situation to a new manager constantly. He’s delighted with his relationship with his business manager, Adeyinka, who is highly responsive. When Thomas wants to talk or meet, Adeyinka is readily available. Thomas feels listened to—not just by Adeyinka but also by the Memo Bank teams developing new features, with whom he has already had discussions.

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At Memo Bank, authentication is done with a single touch on the phone.

MadeForMed's CEO Spends Four Times Less Time Making a Transfer to a New Beneficiary Thanks to Memo Bank

Thomas Plain is very satisfied to be both the client of a traditional bank and a new bank like Memo Bank. He considers that he has found a balance, benefiting from the best of both worlds. The CEO uses Memo Bank every day, especially for making transfers. He reckons that making a transfer to a new beneficiary takes him four times less time with Memo Bank than with his traditional bank.

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