Case studies

Moroni S.A. sought an innovative bank with dedicated relationship managers

The CEO of Moroni, an almost century-old industrial SME, wanted to equip the company with a new account that would allow for more modern banking operations. However, he was looking for a real bank capable of offering financing and having flesh-and-blood business managers.

Icone double flèches gauche

Memo Bank is a true partner, always there to support us when we need it.

Jean-Sébastien Moroni



company logo Moroni

Moroni specializes in the extraction, processing, and sale of sand, gravel, and other construction materials.

Icone Etoile 1925
Icone Employés 50-99 employees
Marqueurs Paris (75)
Jean-Sébastien Moroni

Jean-Sébastien Moroni


Jean-Sébastien Moroni

Hugues Moroni


Discover what Jean-Sébastien Moroni, the CEO of Moroni S.A., and Hugues Moroni, the president, say about Memo Bank.

Moroni S.A., a Family-Owned Industrial SME in Marne, Established in 1925

Moroni S.A. is an industrial SME that produces building materials for the construction and public works sectors. Located near Reims in Marne, Moroni owns three quarries from which it extracts materials used particularly for concrete production: sands, gravels, pebbles. Once extracted, these materials are processed to achieve sizes and shapes that meet the various needs of the construction sector. They are then either sold to clients in bulk or in big bags or transported to a company plant to be turned into concrete blocks. The company has its own fleet of trucks that transport the materials and concrete blocks to client construction sites.

Moroni is a family business created in 1925 by Charles Moroni and has been passed down through generations. Today, two great-grandsons of the founder run the company. Hugues Moroni is the president; Jean-Sébastien Moroni, his cousin, is the CEO.

Moroni est spécialisé dans l'extraction, le traitement et la vente de sables et graviers et de matériaux de construction, c'est un fidèle partenaire de Memo Bank

One of the first Moroni trucks.

A CEO in Search of a Next-Generation Bank

As a nearly centennial company, Moroni has always managed to adapt to its era to stay relevant. Long supported by traditional banks, the company wanted in 2020 to try one of the new banking institutions that have emerged with the development of new technologies.

Jean-Sébastien Moroni, the CEO, did not want just a simple online professional account that would only allow for payments and transfers. He also did not want an account with an online bank, whose advisors are only reachable by phone and never visit the field. Jean-Sébastien Moroni was looking for a new bank that is a real bank—one that deploys real business managers to its clients, can grant loans, authorize overdrafts, and so on… All while offering online services and a customer experience on par with the best technology companies.

Memo Bank: Cutting-Edge Online Services and Business Managers Who Meet Clients at Their Locations

Icone double flèches gauche

Memo Bank is about responsiveness and simplicity.

Jean-Sébastien Moroni


Image du client

Memo Bank was the only French bank that met the criteria Jean-Sébastien Moroni was looking for. On one hand, Memo Bank is a real bank with a credit institution license granted by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR). This means that Memo Bank can offer financing to its clients, in addition to traditional payment methods.

On the other hand, Memo Bank is a technology company, the only French bank to have created its own Core Banking System the computer system on which all a bank’s applications rely. Independent of any other bank, Memo Bank offers its clients top-notch service—and can develop new functionalities quickly when needed. Moroni experienced the responsiveness of the new bank’s technical teams right from the start of the relationship. Memo Bank did not yet allow its clients to use the secure EBICS TS protocol, through which companies manage their bank accounts directly from their accounting software. This feature was developed in less than three months and worked correctly from the outset, which was, according to Jean-Sébastien Moroni, unprecedented.

Finally, and crucially for Moroni, Memo Bank has a team of business managers capable of meeting their clients on the field, in their offices as well as in their quarries. Right after the account opening (performed 100% online), Jean-Sébastien Moroni was connected with Maxime, the business manager who has since been accompanying his company. Maxime is reachable at any moment of the day by phone, call, or text. They also regularly meet at Moroni’s offices in Saint-Léonard, near Reims.

A Loan Disbursed in Less Than 48 Hours

Today, Memo Bank has established itself among Moroni’s historic banking partners. For Jean-Sébastien Moroni, the keywords of the relationship with Memo Bank are “responsiveness and proximity”. A recent example illustrates this well: a few months ago, Moroni needed to unlock financing to purchase trucks within less than 48 hours. Jean-Sébastien Moroni contacted Maxime, who quickly guided him on the procedure to follow. After signing a contract online, the funds were in Moroni’s current account the next day.

The Moroni Group has found what it was looking for: a new banking partner at the crossroads of banking and technology.

Métier de Moroni, partenaire de longue date Memo Bank

Moroni’s big bags.

We unlock the potential
of hundreds of SMEs.

So why not yours?

Logo Memo Bank
Logo Memo Bank