Case studies

Kiln executes its capital increase with a real-time tracking platform

Explore how Kiln accelerated its capital increase with international investors through Memo Bank’s real-time tracking platform.

Kiln executes its capital increase with a real-time tracking platform
Icone double flèches gauche

Memo Bank offers the best product experience in the banking industry.

Thomas de Phuoc

Cofounder and COO


company logo Kiln

Kiln develops reward solutions for users of digital wallets, exchanges, and other cryptocurrency security solutions.

Icone Etoile 2018
Icone Employés 60 employees
Marqueurs Paris (75009)

Thomas de Phuoc

Cofounder and COO

Kiln’s challenges

  • Promptly close a €16 million capital increase and track investors’ transfers in real-time.

Memo Bank’s solution

The fundraising was accelerated because:

  • The capital increase account was opened within 24 hours
  • Kiln was able to autonomously follow-up on investors that hadn’t yet transferred the funds since they had a read-only access to the capital increase account
  • Quick answers, especially on compliance aspects, from an expert customer service team

Kiln is the first B2B staking platform

Kiln develops reward solutions for users of electronic wallets, exchanges, and other cryptocurrency security solutions. These reward solutions mainly come from staking activities, a process of holding cryptocurrencies in a wallet to receive rewards, thus transforming assets into a source of income.

Produit de Kiln

An unsatisfactory experience with previous capital increase operations that were deemed too slow

In its previous fundraisings, Kiln regretted thelack of transparency regarding the status of investors’ transfers and the lack of responsiveness from banking partners.

For this latest fundraising, Thomas de Phuoc, cofounder and COOof Kiln who oversaw financial and legal operations, sought a more responsiveandexperienced banking partner.

Record time to complete the capital increase operation

Real-time transfer tracking

Memo Bank is the only French bank offering totrack in real timethe transfers on the capital increase account. Thomas de Phuoc has visibility at all times on the received transfers, their dates, and the issuing entities. This feature is very handy, because it allows us to autonomously follow up with investors” especially those based in England, in the United States, or in Luxembourg.

An extremely responsive team to manage a €16 million capital increase with 21 investors domestically and internationally

A capital increase can be complex when investors are spread across the globe. In this context, being supported so smoothly by a bank in the collection and certification process, through an efficient product and a responsive customer service, is really great because it makes our daily lives easier,” says Thomas de Phuoc, adding: Getting a response on the same day, especially on compliance questions, rather than in 3 days, multiplied by the number of investors, can make a difference of weeks or even months.”

Furthermore, during this round, Kiln benefited from Memo international transfers available in the most widely used currencies worldwide and at attractive exchange rates.

  • Discover our SEPA transfers, to increase the speed and limits of your transfers.

Thanks to this successful capital increase, Kiln is ready to welcome new investors, expand its client portfolio, design new products, and internationalize its activities with the opening of offices in Singapore and New York. Finally, in addition to being able to manage its capital increase under the best conditions, Kiln also enhances its treasury thanks to the interest generated by Memo Bank’s Booster account.

Are you considering a capital increase? Let’s talk about it.

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of hundreds of SMEs.

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