Case studies

aSpark provides tailored bank account access to its partners

Aurélie Gauthier, founder of aSpark, needed a banking partner capable of adapting to the unique organization of her consulting firm.

aSpark provides tailored bank account access to its partners
Icone double flèches gauche

Our experience with Memo Bank has exceeded our expectations.

Aurélie Gauthier

Founder & Executive Partner


company logo aSpark

aSpark is a consulting firm in strategy, organization, and management, specialized in innovation.

Icone Etoile 2012
Icone Employés 10 employees
Marqueurs Paris (75)
Aurélie Gauthier

Aurélie Gauthier

Founder & Executive Partner

aSpark is a consulting firm specializing in innovation and transformation.

Icone double flèches gauche

aSpark’s clients are learning to make their practices more agile by incorporating more collaborative and co-constructive approaches.

Aurélie Gauthier

Founder & Executive Partner

portrait Aurélie Gauthier Fondatrice Aspark

A modern vision of consulting

Since 2012, the aSpark firm has been assisting its clients with transformation and innovation projects. From the beginning, the firm’s founder, Aurélie Gauthier, envisioned aSpark as a product, a product she has continuously refined in a process of ongoing improvement (“lean startup”). Since aSpark is anything but static, the firm encourages its clients to work differently by making their professional practices agile. Clients of aSpark learn to break down their projects into a series of short cycles, which allows them to advance through successive iterations.

Autonomy at the core of aSpark’s strategy

aSpark is a simplified joint-stock company (SAS), which allows all consultants to be considered as associates, regardless of the amount of share capital they hold. By creating a SAS, Aurélie Gauthier aimed to offer her consultants both a great deal of freedom and a certain stability. For instance, they can choose the missions on which they work and decide on their own work-life balance. Indirectly, aSpark’s clients benefit from this unique organization, as they are assured of being supported by motivated and relevant consultants—since these consultants volunteer for their topics.


When it was established, aSpark chose to entrust the management of its cash flows to a traditional bank. Unfortunately, this bank was not well suited to aSpark’s organization. As the sole manager of aSpark’s bank account, Aurélie Gauthier wasted precious time performing repetitive tasks so that her associates could have access to the same banking information as her—for example, downloading and sending account statements, without however giving them writing access to all the company’s accounts. Another issue: certain operations, such as overdraft authorizations necessary for the smooth operation of aSpark, were often subject to banker approval, which slowed down the firm in its activities.

Memo Bank's proposed solution

Aurélie Gauthier has always been interested in new players who shake up established markets. For instance, she adopted Alan and Luko, two services that are transforming the world of health insurance and home insurance, respectively. An early supporter of Captain Train, a train ticket booking site, she has long followed the journey of its founders. Seeing Memo Bank enter the market for corporate banking, Aurélie Gauthier wanted to learn more about this new independent bank aimed at SMEs.

After experiencing the slow processes of traditional banking, she naturally turned to Memo Bank, a modern bank that perfectly matches the operation of her consulting firm. This change has meant not only time and cost savings but also a source of peace of mind for the entire team. Upon joining Memo Bank, aSpark appreciated the customer service provided. With the support of a business manager and the customer service team, the firm’s associates easily find answers to their questions. This way, the consultants quickly understood what they could do with their new Memo Bank current account.

Results achieved by aSpark

As the account manager, Aurélie Gauthier can now grant her associates personalized banking access, tailored to their roles within the company. The collaborative interface of Memo Bank allows aSpark’s associates to be autonomous in their banking and accounting tasks. For example, certain employees have the ability to add new beneficiaries (for transfers), while others, less involved in managing the account, only have the capability to make transfers or manage direct debits. With Memo Bank, aSpark’s associates don’t have to chase Aurélie to find out where they stand financially. They simply need to log in with their own credentials to access the firm’s current account. For her part, Aurélie Gauthier saves valuable time that she can now dedicate to serving her clients.

Another improvement for aSpark is that the banking fees paid by the firm are now stable and known in advance. Whereas the variable outgoing transaction fees previously caused fluctuations in Aurélie Gauthier’s monthly bills, the absence of such fees at Memo Bank eliminates any unpleasant end-of-month surprises.

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of hundreds of SMEs.

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