Case studies

Everimpact pays no transaction fees on its international transfers

Discover how climatetech company Everimpact has reduced its international transfer fees with Memo Bank’s transparent and no transaction fee pricing.

Everimpact pays no transaction fees on its international transfers
Icone double flèches gauche

We used to pay high transaction fees with traditional banks.

Mathieu Carlier

Cofounder and CEO


company logo Everimpact

Everimpact is a company that enables businesses and local authorities to measure their carbon emissions in real time using sensors, satellite measurements, and a SaaS data analysis platform.

Icone Etoile 2015
Icone Employés 20
Marqueurs Plabennec (29)
Mathieu Carlier

Mathieu Carlier

Cofounder and CEO

Challenges Faced by Everimpact

  • Lowering international transfer costs
  • Streamlining the addition of new payment beneficiaries
  • Connecting its ERP Odoo to its bank account
  • Selecting environmentally responsible financial partners

Solutions Provided by Memo Bank

  • No transaction fees and transparent pricing for international transfers
  • Instant beneficiary addition via secure smartphone validation (2FA)
  • Seamless integration of ERPs like Odoo through Memo Bank’s DSP2 API
  • An intuitive and streamlined banking platform
  • Memo Bank’s sustainable practices, evidenced by its annual carbon footprint report

Everimpact Transforms Carbon Footprint Measurement

icone ampoule

Everimpact's clients notice a difference of 10 to 15 percent between their theoretical carbon footprint and the carbon footprint measured by Everimpact.

Everimpact offers precise, real-time greenhouse gas measurements to its clients, using advanced sensor technology enhanced with satellite imagery and analytics. This real-time data helps clients understand their true carbon impact, rather than rely on theoretical estimates.

Founded in 2015, Everimpact has been rapidly expanding, with a fivefold increase in revenue each year since 2021. It primarily serves cities and large maritime, industrial, and agricultural companies.

Aperçu de la plateforme Everimpact

Overview of the Everimpact platform.

Everimpact Reduces Costs on International Transfers with Memo Bank

Icone double flèches gauche

Adding a new beneficiary used to take 48 hours. Moreover, if the beneficiary was outside a preset list of six countries, phone validation was required.

Mathieu Carlier

Cofounder and CEO

Portrait de Mathieu Carlier, cofondateur et CEO d’Everimpact

Everimpact manages most of its payments in foreign currencies, with 90% of its revenue coming from international sources, particularly outside the Eurozone, including Japan, the UK, and Norway. The company also sources components globally to manufacture its sensors.

Mathieu Carlier, co-founder and CEO, faced significant issues with international transfers at his traditional bank:

  1. Transaction fees for SWIFT transfers
  2. Time lost and focus diverted in adding new beneficiaries
    • Lengthy 48-hour wait to add new beneficiaries
    • Telephone validation required for beneficiaries outside a short list of 6 countries

These issues are now resolved with Memo Bank.

(1) No transaction fees at Memo Bank for SWIFT or SEPA transfers

Memo Bank’s pricing for international wire transfers is straightforward:

  • Issued SWIFT transfers: €0 fixed fees + 0.40% to 0.85% currency exchange fees, depending on the currency.
  • Received SWIFT transfers: €5 fixed fees + 0.40% to 0.85% currency exchange fees, depending on the currency.

(2) Instant addition of beneficiaries globally

Thanks to double two-factor authentication (2FA) on a smartphone, Everimpact can instantly and securely add beneficiaries anywhere in the world, enhancing autonomy and security.

Mathieu Carlier also values the ability to streamline and secure payment authorizations with customizable validation rules: “It’s a game-changer for coordination between decision-makers. One partner can immediatly see if the other partner has validated the wire transfer.

Memo Bank Enables Everimpact to Connect Its ERP to Its Bank Account via DSP2 API

Everimpact’s financial team uses the Odoo ERP for accounting. The DSP2 API from Memo Bank enables real-time access to banking details directly within Odoo, eliminating the need to switch platforms.

Memo Bank and Everimpact Both Commit to Climate Change Mitigation

Memo Bank has strived to pioneer a low-carbon banking model since its inception, aligning perfectly with Everimpact’s mission.

  • Memo Bank avoids financing fossil fuel projects.
  • Memo Bank educates its clients on climate impact, e.g. showing carbon emissions for each transaction and displaying carbon intensity on all invoices.
  • In 2023, Memo Bank joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, which aims to standardize carbon emission measurements across financial institutions.

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