A streamlined application process — In order to be able to respond to short and mid-to-long term financing requests quickly, this new bank for SMEs has established a paperless process requiring only the most essential guarantees. The target is to be able to give a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ as soon as possible to those seeking financing.
Overdraft facility — The bank offers an unsecured overdraft facility that adapts to the needs of each client by enabling financing of the normal business cycle and addressing occasional or cyclical liquidity issues.
Mid-to-long-term financing — Memo Bank issues loans to SMEs for both tangible and intangible assets. Whether a company is looking to purchase supplies or fund their digital transformation, financing options are available. Repayment schedules vary from 12 to 84 months and amounts range from €20,000 to €200,000.
“While micro-entrepreneurs and the self-employed benefit from a wide array of modern, low-cost account offerings jam-packed with features, SMEs rarely enjoy the same quality of banking services. The banking relationship gets bogged down in red tape, and the importance of investing in digital transformation is often underrated by lenders. This is why we decided to build our offer around the needs of today’s business people with a focus on speed, simplicity, and knowledgeable support. ” adds Jean-Daniel Guyot, President of the Management Board of Memo Bank.