Connect your accounting and treasury software to your bank
Access your bank accounts and initiate payments from your accounting and treasury tools via our automated bank feeds. And to go even further, you can use our Premium banking API.
Manage your bank accounts from your own tools
View the details of your accounts and transactions
Import your banking operations directly into your accounting and treasury tools. Through our Open Banking API or our interbank communication protocol (EBICS), you can access your bank account balances as well as the details of various transactions (date, amount, recipient, label, etc.).

Initiate payments
Schedule payments from your accouting and treasury software, without having to log into your Memo Bank account.

How to connect your accouting and treasury tools to your bank account
Open Banking API
Memo Bank offers two Open Banking APIs. Our AIS API (account information services) allows you to extract information related to your banking operations, information that you can later use via your own tools. Our PIS API (payment initiation services) allows you to initiate transfers from your own accounting and treasury tools.
Universal banking communication protocol
EBICS is a European interbank protocol that can be chosen for exchanging data with any bank in France, Germany, and Austria. Other European banks from differen countries are now integrating this protocol. EBICS 2.4 TS is available at Memo Bank. Pricing is fixed and billed monthly. Once your EBICS connection is established, you can make an unlimited number of connections to our EBICS server from your accounting or treasury software.
A range of secure connections
Your data are fully secure, whether you access them through our Open Banking API or through our EBICS interbank protocol.